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Betamethasone 0.1 cream 5 gr 0.9 0.7 0.4 3.2 11.5 0.0 0.06 0.02 0.07 0.08 0.04 0.01 −0.03 1.0 0.02 0.05 Maternal age (y) 18–23 45 30 25 19–34 32 28 23 27 26 29 35–59 36 42 30 34 32 60–79 21 23 28 34 33 20–34 35 31 23 25 28 29 35–59 33 38 30 25 26 32 ≥60 7 20 19 26 17 33 20–74 5 22 23 27 25 28 29 25–74 19 22 20 24 20–74 23 25 22 ≥75 8 5 6 3 ≥80 9 2 7 4 5 View Large To examine the magnitude of increase in asthma prevalence associated with smoking, we multiplied the percentage change in prevalence for the total combined population of all children in each age category by generic viagra online pharmacy usa the percentage change in prevalence that occurred among children aged <6 y and ≥6 in 1990–1995 (see the Supplementary Appendix). Results are shown in Table 2. Using the overall population growth rate and the overall change in prevalence from 1990–1995, the mean increase was 2.7% (95% CI, 2.2% to 2.9%) in those aged <6 y (Fig. 2(a)). The difference between these estimates and the 2.7% estimate produced for a population as whole (in which the mean prevalence increased accutane buy online 3% during 1990–1995) was large. These differences may be due in part to differences the timing in which surveys were carried out that may affect the prevalence of asthma. Our estimate, for example, was produced using the same age and sex stratification data collection time and method as in the adult cohort. TABLE 2. Age group (y) No. of children aged <0–6 y (95% CI) No. of children 6–14 y (95% CI) No. of children 15–19 y (95% CI) No. of children ≥20 y (95% CI) No. of children P-value* ≥0–6 y Change in mean prevalence between 1990–1995 and 1999–2002 accutane australia buy online Age group (y) No. of children aged <0–6 y (95% CI) No. of children 6–14 y (95% CI) No. of children 15–19 y (95% CI) No. of children ≥20 y (95% CI) No. of children P-value* ≥0–6 y Change in mean prevalence between 1990–1995 and 1999–2002 View Large Smoking in the second half of pregnancy significantly increased the risk of both children with asthma and those not exposed to cigarette smoke. In the youngest age groups (aged <5 y and ≥6 y), the increased risk was similar for all children exposed to maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy compared with those not exposed (Table 2). In contrast, the risk for asthma among children exposed to cigarette smoke was increased almost 50% compared with those who were not exposed; the corresponding risk decreased 4