Aircraft Evaluation Work Sheet

Client Information

Name:   Attention:
Company:   Phone:
Address #1:
Address #2:
City:   State:   Zip:

Aircraft Description

Manufacturer:  Model:  Reg #:
Serial #:  Year of MFG:


Airframe Total Time:   Number of Landings:   Number Cycles:
Airframe Condition:   Log Books Original:


Maintenance Annual Date:   Progressive Inspection:

Time Limiters:   Cycle Limiters:


Service Bulletins:

AD's Complied With:   Estimated Cost to Comply:   Damage History:

Current Damage: Extent of Damage (Category):

Estimated Cost of Repairs:

Required Repairs:

Damage Event #1:
Date of Damage:   Extent of Damage (Category):
Damage Event #2:
Date of Damage:   Extent of Damage (Category):
Damage Event #3:
Date of Damage:   Extent of Damage (Category):

Airframe Condition

Tires:   Brakes (Type):   Anti Skid:   Exterior Paint Condition:

Re-paint Date:   Painted By:


Interior Condition:   Cabin Configuration:   Cockpit Condition:   Panel Layout:

Pressurized Cabin:   Window Condition:


Airframe Modifications

Modification #1:
Date:  Original Cost of Modification:

Modification #2:
Date:   Original Cost of Modification:


Modification #3:
Date:   Original Cost of Modification:
Modification #4:
Date:   Original Cost of Modification:
Modification #5:
Date:   Original Cost of Modification:

Engine and Propellers

Engine Make:   Engine Model #:
Engine Type:   Engine Fire Detection System:
Engine Fire Bottles:   Prop Reversers:   Thrust Reversers:
Propellers:   MFG Recommended TBO:
Propeller Make:   Model:   Number of Blades:

Propeller #1:
Serial #: Time Since: Date Since:
Serial #: Time Since: Date Since:
Serial #: Time Since: Date Since:
Serial #: Time Since: Date Since:

Propeller #2:
Serial #: Time Since: Date Since:
Serial #: Time Since: Date Since:
Serial #: Time Since: Date Since:
Serial #: Time Since: Date Since:

Engine #1:

Serial #:
Hours Since OH:
Overhauled By:

Engine #2:

Serial #:  
Hours Since:
Overhauled By:

Engine Modifications

Engine Modified: Date: Mod Original Cost:
Engine Modified: Date: Mod Original Cost:
Engine Modified: Date: Mod Original Cost:
Engine Modified: Date: Mod Original Cost:
Current Known Engine Maintenance Items:

Estimated Cost to Repair Engine Maintenance Items:

Overall Engine Comments:


ADF #1 Make:   Model:
ADF #2 Make:   Model:
Altimeter, Encoding #1 Make:   Model:
Altimeter, Encoding #2 Make:   Model:
Altimeter, Radio/Radar #1 Make:   Model:
Altimeter, Radio/Radar #2 Make:   Model:
Audio Panel Make:   Model:
Autopilot Make:   Model:
Communications Radio #1 Make:   Model:
Communications Radio #2 Make:   Model:
DME #1 Make:   Model:
DME #2 Make:   Model:
Flight Director #1 Make:   Model:
Flight Director #2 Make:   Model:
Glide Slope #1 Make:   Model:
Glide Slope #2 Make:   Model:
GPS Make:   Model:
HSI #1 Make:   Model:
HSI #2 Make:   Model:
Loran Make:   Model:
Marker Beacon Make:   Model:
Moving Map Display Make:   Model:
Navigation Radio #1 Make:   Model:
Navigation Radio #2 Make:   Model:
NAV/COM #1 Make:   Model:
NAV/COM #2 Make:   Model:
Omega Make:   Model:
RMI #1 Make:   Model:
RMI #2 Make:   Model:
RNAV Make:   Model:
Stormscope Make:   Model:
Telephone Make:   Model:
Transceivers (HR XCVR) Make:   Model:
Transponder #1 Make:   Model:
Transponder #2 Make:   Model:
VLF Make:   Model:
Weather Radar Make:   Model:
Avionics for this aircraft is:


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